Schedule An Appointment

Learn how to schedule an appointment using the Schedule in Neo.  The steps below depict scheduling a client appointment however, the process is the same Select the timeframe of the intended appointment within the day that you are scheduling the appointment for.  From the menu, click New Client Appointment.

*Appointment time can also be adjusted before saving/scheduling.



Complete each field.  

As each option is selected, Neo filters down options for the next field.

Selecting the client you're scheduling for, will reduce the Service/Program to the Service/Program that particular client is associated with, which will then reduce the Activity options to only show you activities that can be scheduled for the chosen Service/Program.


🗸 Appointment scheduled


Alerts You May Encounter

The Staff you are trying to schedule the client with, is not assigned to the program you are trying to schedule, for the date that you are scheduling for. Client was not open to the program you are attempting to schedule them in, on the date you are trying to schedule them for.
The Staff you are trying to schedule the client with is not assigned to the program you are trying to schedule, for the date that you are scheduling for AND client was not open to the program you are attempting to schedule them in, on the date you are trying to schedule them for. The Staff you are trying to schedule the client with is not assigned to the program you are trying to schedule, for the date that you are scheduling for AND Staff not employed here on the date you are trying to schedule for AND client was not open to the program you are attempting to schedule them in, on the date you are trying to schedule them for.


Staff/Program/Client Relationship Details


Staff Relationship (on the Inquiry page) Staff History(from client menu)

Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at December 20th, 2024

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