Appointment View

Appointment Side Bar Colors

In the above picture, the green sidebar indicates that there are messages about this client.

White No Messages, No Alerts
Green Yes Messages, No Alerts
Red Yes Messages, No Alerts


Appointment Background Colors

The background color of an appointment is related to the status of the appointment.

White No Status/Unselected
Green Appointment Kept
Light Pink Canceled by Client
Light Coral Canceled by Therapist
Red Did Not Show
Tomato Late Cancel by Client
Silver Appointment was an Error
Light Blue Auto-generated from Staff Profile


Appointment Text

  Client appointments start with the client's name (Last, First) and the client ID. This is a link that will bring up the client menu preloaded with this client. The next is the Activity code for the appointment. If the client owes money, that will appear next. If the client is owed money the amount will start with the abbreviation for credit, cr.  Once an appointment is marked as "Kept", a new link is added to the appointment that will open the document associated with that appointment activity.


Incomplete The documentation has not been started.
Not Signed The documentation has been opened and/or saved but has not been signed by the provider.
Signed The documentation is signed and clicking the link will open a PDF of the document.


If an appointment has additional text in the description and it has been flagged to show on the appointment, it will appear below a horizontal line in the appointment on a new line. This can be difficult to see, but it will also appear in the tooltip once an appointment has been selected.


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 17th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice