Care Team



Select an as of date to view Care Team information as of the date of your choosing - this defaults to the present date.


Click here to begin the process of adding a new Care Team.


This area will list all KBH providers assigned to the client at the selected time frame - Care Coordinator at the top with other providers and their programs, listed below.


Initiate a contact log entry for communication between you and the client.


Anyone listed in the caregiver section of the Inquiry page.


Lists client's Primary Care Provider(PCP).


You'll see this option with every Care Team.  It is optional but allows you to add a specific person or entity associated with that specific Care Team.


Lists all external Care Teams associated with this client for the selected time frame.


Active release on file.
The exclamation point near the active status on an ROI indicates that there is an active release on file but the client has selected No on one of the questions on the release. Hovering over that button with your cursor will give you a preview of those questions, but clicking the button will pull up a copy of the actual release.
No release on file, or none linked to this Care Team.  Click to link an existing ROI or to start the process of generating a new one.
Begin the process of generating an ROI for the Care Team where this button exists or unlink an ROI.


Begin the process of generating an ROI for the Care Team where this button exists.


Indicates details of a client or Care Team follow-up.
The follow up appearing in blue indicates a future follow-up.
The follow-up appearing in red indicates that the follow-up time has passed.














Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 1st, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice