Schedule Settings Options View

Selecting Staff - Click the check box next to every provider and resource you may want to schedule for. These resources will be available in the Resource Navigator on the schedule screen.

All Staff Temp Access - This link will reload the staff list above to include non-provider resources.

Increment - The default time increment the schedule will use to draw appointments. Valid times are 5, 6, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes. Any other value will be rounded to one of these times. 5-minute increments mean the appointment block will be large and easy to read but will cause more scrolling. 60 Minutes will make the schedule very small and it is easy to see all the appointments for a day, but every appointment is very small and could possibly hide important messages.

Columns - The default number of resources to show as columns in the Day view. More columns mean each appointment will be smaller to make room for another column. Based on your monitor size, adjusting this number can make working with multiple resources easier.

Time Zone - Select the time zone the schedule should work from. This is important if you have locations that span time zones and appointments could be created in either zone.

Visible Time - The start and end times the schedule will render for each day. This allows the schedule to only render valid times for appointments to be created.

Show Names - Allows the schedule to render appointments with or without client names. If the schedule could be seen by clients (such as a computer monitor in an exam room), it is strongly recommended that you turn this feature off.

Show Errors - This is an administrative feature that shows appointments that were made and then marked with a status of Error to be seen in the schedule.






Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 17th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice