Moving Dates On A Treatment Plan


You'll see a Move button on all treatment plans, both active and inactive(for programs you're associated with in Neo), however, you can only move dates on the newest plan.


This button is always situated to the far right of the screen so if you ever don't see it, make sure you are scrolled all the way over.


If you click Move on any plan other than the newest, you will see this message.           


The allowable dates will be between the date of staff signature up to the date current date.




If you try to move a date on a treatment plan where there are already signed notes attached, you'll see these messages.  

When this happens, moving the date is still allowed, you'll just need to have your administrator unsign the attached notes.

Once the notes have been unsigned, you can move the date and then re-sign those notes.








Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 9th, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice