The KBH University Standard




KBH University is currently broken down into four(4) categories.

From there, each of those categories are broken down into further subcategories. Those subcategories are not the same across each category - they are set up as what works best for that particular category.  


The Client Portal is broken down into three(3) categories:

This is to keep the information as straightforward and simplified as possible to assist clients in utilizing the portal as independently as possible.

The Staff App category is also broken down into three(3) categories:

This is also designed to be easy to navigate but because it is for staff, goes into more depth as to the “Why?” behind the way things work - most evident in the Key Concepts category.

The General category currently fluctuates as we add new documentation.  

The What's New? category will remain a constant as it is where we will keep staff up to date on our regular releases and updates.

Otherwise, this category houses documentation that is not specific to Neo, the Client Portal, or the Staff App.

The Neo category is and will continue to be the most extensive.  The features of Neo are countless and complex.  

You will find this category broken down by department for features that are specific to those departments.  You'll also find How-To's and Key Concepts that apply to any and all departments, and finally, FAQs.



Key Concepts 🔑

The Key Concept articles describe the function and capabilities of the feature that's being documented.  These articles are aimed at explaining what the particular feature does, how it functions, and the reason that it functions that way.  These articles are useful when trying to fully understand how something works in a general sense and understand how and why it fits into your role.  These articles should not include detailed step-by-step instructions but should include as many links to how-to articles as possible, where appropriate.


How-To's ℹ️

The How-To articles are detailed step-by-step procedures for different processes.  These articles include written instructions as well as screenshots/images, videos, or both, depending on the procedure's difficulty level.  These articles are useful when learning a new process or refreshing your memory on the steps in a process.


FAQs ❔

Articles listed under FAQ will explain any quirks we've encountered that could potentially be misleading or confusing. You'll also find answers to common and specifically asked questions that don't necessarily fit into a particular How-To or Key Concept article.  Content for these articles is gathered through our own discovery via testing, questions that come through our support team, or through Feedback submitted via KBH University.


Screenshots and Videos 📷

Screenshots and Videos are used to enhance documentation and further interpret what is being described.  

How-To's in particular often include both screenshots and videos.  Lengthier processes will sometimes be broken down into multiple videos.

Screenshots should be as clear and precise as possible.   


  • They should be clear and of the highest quality possible.
  • If you are attempting to focus on a particular space/piece of text/button on a screen and cropping to that particular item would make it unclear where exactly you are, include a screenshot of the entire screen and then use bold lines, circles, squares and/or text to pinpoint the area of focus.
  • Each step of a how-to includes a screenshot of exactly where you are in the process.


Videos should include annotations with bold colors, text, images, gifs., music, etc. to be engaging and as informative as possible.  Processes are recorded at a followable pace to make all steps in the process easy to discern.


Table of Contents 📜




You won't find a Table of Contents in every article.  This tool is used in lengthier articles and in articles where it would make sense to skip around content to get to a particular section of the article.  Having a Table of Contents also makes it possible to create links to specific sections within an article.







You'll find the option to provide feedback at the bottom of every article.  Neo processes and practices are ever-changing to keep up with the demand and goal of providing the best possible services to our clients.  This feature will be key for maintaining the accuracy of each article and keeping KBH University as comprehensive and complete as possible.  Users are encouraged to use this feature to communicate potential errors or changes that should be made.  



Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 10th, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice