Back Up And Restore Personal Sender Policy

Learn how to back up and restore your personal Sender Policy in Barracuda

Table of Contents

This is how to back up and restore the users' personal Sender Policy, which is the exempt and block lists for the Barracuda Quarantine system


To Back Up

Select Junk Email Filter from the Employee Links menu on the KBH Staff Portal Page


Enter your KBH email address.


Enter your Microsoft password.


Select Menu.


Select Settings.


Click Sender Policy.


Click Bulk Edit.


 Highlight the contents of this field, excluding the first line “Sender (Email Address, Domain or User), Policy(block, exempt, quarantine), Comment (optional)” , right-click and Copy.

Paste into a blank Word document and Save

To Restore 


Select and Copy your saved list.


Navigate back to the Bulk Edit section, using the steps at the beginning of this document.  The data field will be blank.

Paste your list into the data field by right-clicking in the empty space and selecting Paste or clicking in the empty space and pressing CTRL+V on your keyboard.


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 19th, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice