Report List

Once you select Reports, you will see the full Report List along the left side of the screen.

The folder icon located to the left of the bolded text, will expand and collapse lists of reports for each category.

Once you select which report you are looking for, a preview will appear alongside your options for parameters.  

Select your parameters.  This example is using the report “Failed Activities” but the concept works similarly for all reports.  

Parameters for report criteria

  • Date range
  • Program
  • Location
  • Staff
  • Failed Reason
  • Additional Comments
  • Activity
  • Client ID
  • Payor
  • Payor Class

You will also select how you'd like to view your report such as simply viewing as a PDF right in Neo, printing it or exporting it out as a spreadsheet.

 Once your parameters are selected, click “Run Report”.


Here's an example of the Failed Activities Report, run in “View” mode.



Here's an example of the Failed Activities Report run to be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.

It may appear slightly differently, depending on what device you're using.  



The exported report will look similar to this



Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 14th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice