MCN Update
While the notes themselves haven't changed, the entire MCN grid has a brand-new look. It has been re-designed to function as other grids in Neo do - with the same sorting and filtering capabilities and to make all tasks completed through this screen significantly more seamless.

For optimal use, take a couple of minutes to adjust your filters. Once you make the changes that will best suit your daily workflow, they will be locked in and remain the same unless/until you manually make any changes.

Click here for the specifics 🤩 |
New Improvements For Scheduling Translator Services

Learn the step-by-step process to schedule a translator. |
Editing Manual Labs in Population Health
There is now an Edit button for the Manual Labs on the Population Health page.

New Med Records Request Type
There's a new Med Records Request Type called Audit that's used for Med Records staff only.
There is also a new Request Status of Discharge. Med Record Requests will be auto-generated when a client is discharged from the agency using this status.

New Quick Links Option
You now have the option to add High Priority to your Quick Links menu.
Click here to learn how to adjust your Quick Links options.

Reopen SPM Option on the Rejected SPM Alert
You will now find a new button under SPM Rejected in your alerts - Reopen SPM.
This button allows staff to reopen the rejected SPM for editing.

This option is only available on SPMs that were rejected in the last 30 days. This button will always appear, however you will see the following message if that 30-day timeframe has expired.