Create A Block In Your Schedule While Still Appearing Available

Learn how to effectively carve out dedicated time in your schedule without giving the impression of being unavailable, allowing you to prioritize your own tasks and responsibilities while still being accessible to others when needed.


There are various scenarios in which you are still working and yet are unavailable to take client appointments.  For those scenarios, you want to make sure there isn't scheduling space available for that time frame while also not appearing Away anywhere in Neo.


For this example:  On this particular Wednesday, you start your work day at 7:30 am and want to remain available to see clients up until 3:00 pm.  You then still want to appear available, but only for things like MCN, phone calls, etc. from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm.


You will set up your Schedule Profile to encompass your entire work day and then you will create a block for the length of time that client appointments won't be scheduled.


Your Schedule Profile should look like this:  

Learn how to set up your Schedule Profile by clicking here.


Then you'll create a block, choosing “BLOCK - Block Client Appointments, Staff is Available” listed under Activity, for 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Learn how to create a Schedule Block by clicking here.


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 8th, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice