Export Client Information

Extract all client information

Neo provides many ways to export specific information about a client, but to export all of the information requires using Chart Printing. There is no charge for electronic downloads of data. If it is printed, there is a minimal fee ranging between $20-$50 above 100 pages depending on the size of the chart.

First, navigate to the Chart Printing area of the Med Records dashboard.

Then, select the correct client and use the ‘Export Data’ button. Security Note: Only users with Med Records and Security Administrator rights have access to this functionality. This will download an xml file containing all the background client information such as addresses and phone numbers. It is in the same format as CDA files.

Finally, select all the document types you would like to export and click "Run Report" to download all the client documentation in PDF format. The PDF's generated within Neo are machine-readable, but any documentation faxed to us will be image only.

Contact IT Support if you would like to export the complete client dataset.

Written By Scott Bressette (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 28th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice