Treatment Plan Signature Process

Table of Contents


🖊️Upon clicking Client Signature, you'll first see the various options for methods of obtaining a signature.  Click here for detailed descriptions of each option.


Log 📋

Once the treatment plan has been completed, in order for services for that time frame to be billable, the priority is to obtain a signature from the client or caregiver/guardian.  Any unsuccessful attempt at obtaining a signature should be documented in the Log section.    



Specify the date of the attempt and details of the attempt - check the box at the bottom, to send a Med Record Request for a paper copy of the treatment plan to be mailed to the client for signature.

For example:

“Completed tx plan at today's appointment - the client will sign at next appointment.”

“Treatment plan completed via telehealth, mailing paper copy for signature.”



⚠️Supervisor Review


To ensure the proper completion of a treatment plan and facilitate successful billing for further services, the treatment plan needs to be signed by the client and/or guardian/caregiver. 

In the event that you are unable to obtain a client signature prior to the timeframe that the treatment plan is to cover, it is crucial that the Supervisor Review option is used.

Without a client's signature, a supervisor needs to review in order to bill for services.  

In cases where supervisor review becomes necessary, having a complete and accurate log of every attempt that you've made to collect the signature will help ensure we still receive payment for the service, if the lack of a client signature is ever scrutinized.




Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 24th, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice