Edit An Existing Document


Select the intended document by clicking the S location to the left of the document title.



Editing A Text Document

Make your revision(s) to the document.  You can edit the content of the document, which program(s) or location(s) it's associated with, or which type of Electronic Use you need, then click Save or Save and Exit.


Editing A PDF File

Select this button to replace the existing PDF file with a new PDF file from your device.

You can also change which Program(s) then click Save or Save and Exit.


Document History

Once you've made any edits to a document, a Hx will appear, giving you the ability to track the history of all changes that have been made to the document. Clicking this button will give you a full history of all previous edits.  


Clicking View in the Document History screen will take you to a view-only version of your previous document.


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 9th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice