Name Your Packet
Fill in the appropriate name for the Packet you are going to create and click Save Packet.

Packet Name
Once the Packet Name is created, the Save Packet button will turn green and you'll see the name of your Packet appear at the top of the screen.

Add Documents
Click Add Documents to add documents to your packet.
*You'll only be able to add already existing documents.

Click Select to add a document to your packet.
Click View to view the document and ensure it is what you're looking for.

Upon viewing, if all looks good, click Cancel to exit the view screen.
Click Edit Template if it is deemed appropriate to edit the specific existing document, rather than creating a new one.

Edit Document Template
Clicking Edit Template will bring you to the Documents screen, to edit the document.

View Documents in Packet
Once the document has been added to your packet, it will be listed below.