Scott Bressette

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Updated August 15th, 2024 by Scott Bressette

Sending Information Only Documents

Key Concept Documents, such as an orientation pamphlet or yearly program information packet, may not require the client to sign it but it is important to get acknowledgment that they received it. When a printed document is sent by mail, there isn't any way to know for sure the client actually received it, so oftentimes we ask for a signature and to ...

0 min reading time
Updated August 22nd, 2024 by Scott Bressette

Client Information

Key Concept 📷 Demographic and caregiver information is displayed about the client and is interactive. Utilizing this information to make contacting the client and caregivers easier and faster. Interactive Clicking or touching addresses will attempt to open the default map program on the device and provide directions. Phone numbers can be used to cal...

0 min reading time
Updated August 22nd, 2024 by Scott Bressette

Client Search

Key Concept The Client Search is the starting point for client activities like signing documents. The list of clients displayed are defined in Neo under Staff→Mobile App Settings .   Searching 📷 To reduce the list of potential clients, try using the "Client Search" feature. It will automatically filter after entering 3 letters or numbers in the sear...

0 min reading time
Updated August 22nd, 2024 by Scott Bressette

Client Home Page

Key Concept 📷 Once a client is selected, the home page provides a comprehensive overview of client activities and is a starting point for new activities. This screen is customizable within Neo . Client Card 📷 Selecting the client card will navigate to a more extensive page of client information . Review 📷 This area only displays when there are docum...

0 min reading time
Updated September 28th, 2023 by Scott Bressette

Export Client Information

Neo provides many ways to export specific information about a client, but to export all of the information requires using Chart Printing. There is no charge for electronic downloads of data. If it is printed, there is a minimal fee ranging between $20-$50 above 100 pages depending on the size of the chart. First, navigate to the Chart Printing area ...

0 min reading time
Updated October 25th, 2023 by Scott Bressette

Lock Mode

Key Concept 📷 Security is paramount with Electronic Medical Records (EMR). Lock Mode allows for the provider to keep their information safe and secure while they are away. Application Lock The application will go into “Lock Mode” when the app has been idle for a period of time or if the user starts a process that requires handing the device to a cli...

0 min reading time
Updated December 12th, 2023 by Scott Bressette

✨Correspondence to Document Management(effective 10/23/2023) ✨

Correspondence is now considered a part of Document Management therefore, the Correspondence creation utility has been moved accordingly.       You'll find help for this feature here ! 😊    ...

0 min reading time
Updated November 16th, 2023 by Scott Bressette

Why can't I see the correct document in Document Delivery?

Setting up the document templates to work as expected in Document Delivery requires an understanding of the workflow staff are following. When a document template is not configured correctly, the staff's expectations will not be met.   Why am I seeing (or not seeing) "this" template in the list? or When I searched for a document, it didn't show up i...

1 min reading time
Updated November 14th, 2023 by Scott Bressette

Guardian Client Selection

Key Concept As a guardian of multiple clients at KBH, navigating between clients is required to complete tasks for each person on the Client Portal . Step 1: Log in. See the “ Getting Started ” section of the Help/FAQ for additional assistance. Step 2: Select a Client The list will show the client name and the number of pending items waiting for act...

0 min reading time
Updated October 25th, 2023 by Scott Bressette

Document Scanner

Key Concept Capture key documentation efficiently and effectively by using the mobile devices camera to scan a document and send it to Neo as a fax. Here is a demonstration of it. Camera  Images can be selected from the device, but this is not recommended as it could put Protected Health Information (PHI) at risk. It will default to using the camera...

1 min reading time
Updated December 14th, 2023 by Scott Bressette

Document View

Key Concept Clients can complete a wide variety of forms through the Client Portal's Document View feature and this area provides the same functionality within the Staff App. Here is an example of a document being signed.   Forms Primarily, unsigned Treatment Plans will appear here. Once a Treatment Plan is signed by the provider, it will automatica...

1 min reading time
Updated August 22nd, 2024 by Scott Bressette

Document Signer

Key Concept 📷 When a document needs to be signed, the client may or may not be the correct person. This screen allows you to select the correct person or enter them manually. Select The list will start with the client unless Neo determines that they are too young or not capable of signing the document and will indicate that in this area. After the c...

0 min reading time
Updated August 15th, 2024 by Scott Bressette

Create Annotation Documents for the Staff App

Key Concept The Staff App has the ability to allow annotations on PDF documents. This allows new types of forms to be used where the client may need to circle options, add text near content, and draw pictures. Essentially, exactly the same things that can be done on a printed page with a pencil without having to scan it into the chart later.   Using...

2 min reading time
Updated November 16th, 2023 by Scott Bressette

Send Documents to a Client

Getting Started There are three options for working with documents and clients; Printing, Client Portal, and the Staff App. Each offers different opportunities for collecting signatures and delivering documents. Try out our Decision Tree to see what option works best for you. Accessing the Client Portal Accessing the Staff App   Options for Document...

3 min reading time
Updated August 15th, 2024 by Scott Bressette

Send Documents to the Portal/Staff App

Key Concept Having clients sign documents electronically allows for faster workflows. For instance, if the situation calls for an ROI to discuss a client's treatment with an external entity, sending the ROI to the portal, contacting the client to sign it, and then using that ROI can happen in minutes, versus the days it would take to use the mail. T...

0 min reading time
Updated November 8th, 2023 by Scott Bressette

Printed Documents in Document Delivery

Correspondences and informational documents are often printed and either mailed or handed to a client during their episode of care. The process to find, create, and print a document is very simple.     There are two(2) different ways a document will load when you click Add , depending on which settings were chosen when the document was created.   In...

0 min reading time
Updated August 15th, 2024 by Scott Bressette

How should I send this document to the client?

Clients and Documents Printing documents for the client to review and sign is a common, well-understood way to work with clients on completing documents. The Client Portal and the Staff App open new opportunities for collecting signatures and delivering documents electronically. Each process has pros and cons. So, now the question becomes… How do yo...

4 min reading time
Updated October 27th, 2023 by Scott Bressette

Chart Printing

Key Concept Chart printing is the primary method of exporting Neo data.    ...

0 min reading time
Updated August 12th, 2024 by Scott Bressette

Care Coordination Contact Note

Key Concept This note documents Care Coordination activities such as reviewing records, coordination of care, and referrals to other providers. The note also features a Follow-Up date field to help organize future contacts. Referrals A part of care coordination is referring clients to external entities for additional services. Neo tracks these refer...

1 min reading time
Updated August 15th, 2024 by Scott Bressette

Managing Document Templates

Key Concept Document Templates are a special type of document that uses placeholders in special locations in the document that are substituted with actual data when the document template is applied. Templates also define how the document can be used and who can use them. Categorization Before continuing, please be familiar with Document Delivery and...

2 min reading time
Updated August 22nd, 2024 by Scott Bressette

Email Word Attachments

Neo internal email system allows files to be attached from a variety of sources, including Microsoft Word. When a Word document is opened from within the Staff App that is docked on a mobile device's Home Screen (i.e. how it is typically accessed), it opens in such a way that navigation back to the app is impossible. It will look similar to the imag...

0 min reading time
Updated October 25th, 2023 by Scott Bressette

Biometric Lock

Key Concept 📷 On first use of the app and until setup face/touch ID authentication, you will be taken to this screen to complete that process. This helps make the app easier to use if you are working with a client or when the app times out due to inactivity.     If you do not see this screen upon first use, follow this link to complete the setup. Bi...

0 min reading time
Updated August 22nd, 2024 by Scott Bressette

Using the Document Scanner

Your browser does not support HTML5 video. How-To The document scanner allows you to send documents directly to Medical Records by using the camera on your device. Watch How It's Done🎥   Step One Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Step Two 🎥 Your browser does not support HTML5 video.       📷Step-By-Step Select client   📷Select Upload   📷Phot...

1 min reading time
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