Client Home Page

Key Concept 📷

Once a client is selected, the home page provides a comprehensive overview of client activities and is a starting point for new activities. This screen is customizable within Neo.

Client Card 📷

Selecting the client card will navigate to a more extensive page of client information.

Review 📷

This area only displays when there are documents within Neo that have been sent to the client portal but are not completed. See here for an example of how to complete a document.

Documents 📷

If the client has had documents completed on the portal or from the Staff App, it will appear here along with all of the document types selected in the setup within Neo. This gives easy access to information about the client and their documentation. It also allows documents to be uploaded using the device camera as a document scanner.

Upcoming Appointments 📷

It will default to Med Clinic appointments but this can be changed within Neo if desired. Providers working with the client can see who and when the client will be seen next.

Prior Appointments 📷

It is filtered to the same appointment types as the upcoming appointments and is limited to 6 Months or 50 records. This helps a provider reference prior visits and the client's history of treatment.


Written By Scott Bressette (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 25th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice