Care Coordination Contact Note

Communication and collaboration among healthcare providers for seamless care delivery and patient outcomes in the realm of care coordination.

Key Concept

This note documents Care Coordination activities such as reviewing records, coordination of care, and referrals to other providers. The note also features a Follow-Up date field to help organize future contacts.


A part of care coordination is referring clients to external entities for additional services. Neo tracks these referrals in the Care Team Contact Log

The expectation is that Care Team development occurs before referral activities. Meaning, that current and prospective external entities are put on the Care Team as a decision point before referrals have started. Then, working on each referral occurs after those decisions.

Quick Guide to Making a Referral:

  • Add the Organization to the Care Team (see Add Care Team)
    • If an ROI is needed, use the Contact Log to track the progress.
  • Add a Contact using the Referral Type.
    • Enter the log information and next contact date as they will carry over to the note's Purpose field and Follow-Up date.
  • Within the note, check the Activity Type of ‘Referral Activities’.
    • This will show the list of Active Referrals.
      • If there is only one, it will automatically attach to it.
      • If there is more than one active referral, click the ‘Select’ button.
    • It will pull forward the Log Entry to the Purpose field and the Next Contact Date to the Follow-up Date on the note.
  • Complete the note and sign it.

Visual Guide:

  1. Start at the Care Team.
  • It is on the Client Menu
  • A link is in the Dashboard for each client.


  1. If you are already in the note, it is on the Active Referrals list.

  1.  If the entity that you are referring too is not an existing Care Team, add it now.
  2. Use the Contact button to start the Referral and complete the log information (i.e. who/what/where/when).
  1.  Set the reason and the current progress for the referral.


  1.  If you are in the note, close the popup otherwise, navigate to the note and open it.
    1.  Make sure the Activity Type has the “Referral Activity” selected.
    2. It will show the list of Active Referrals and if it is the only active one, auto select it.
      1. Note you can update the progress from here. So, if more attempts are needed to complete the referral, updating the status can be done within the note and will automatically update the Care Team Log.
  2.  Once the referral is selected, it will pull the latest log entry data into the note (see Contact Log image above).
  3.  Complete and sign the note.


Written By Scott Bressette (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 21st, 2025

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