Why can't I see the correct document in Document Delivery?

Set up Document Delivery for your Program and Location

Setting up the document templates to work as expected in Document Delivery requires an understanding of the workflow staff are following. When a document template is not configured correctly, the staff's expectations will not be met.


Why am I seeing (or not seeing) "this" template in the list?


When I searched for a document, it didn't show up in the History of Delivered Documents, but I know it exists.

When the document template is not aligned with the staff's programs and location, it can cause historical documents and templates to appear (or not appear) as they should. Please review this article for a complete explanation.


When I used the Title Search, why did it show more templates than I expected?

Title Search uses a ranked selection algorithm that sorts the results from best to worst rather than just filtering out anything that doesn't match. It ranks by exact matches first, then matches using the same words, then the same letters after that, and so on. It will also prioritize matching staff program and location before matching all program and location templates.

This can result in a Title Search returning results that don't intuitively match the entered text. For instance, if you wanted to find a template called “Thirty Day Letter” and you typed “30”, it would not make a good match because even though 30 = Thirty, to a computer, they are completely different. For our example, the solution is to change the search terms, such as “Day” or “Letter” (or both) and it will find much better matches.


When I use a Packet, I don't see all the documents that I added to the packet?

There is a difference in how the Program and Location filters work between the Utilities→Document Management→Packet Management screen and Client→Document Delivery screen.

When a packet is being created and set up, it shows the program and location for each template added but does not filter by them. This is because, from the Utilities menu, we are setting up this packet for anyone in the agency to use, not just yourself.

When a packet is used in Document Delivery (see here for more information), the Program and Location filters are applied so that particular staff person sees only the templates within the packet that apply to them.

This is a key feature of Packet Management, one packet can contain many templates (with duplicate titles) but each template is configured for only specific programs or locations. Then everyone can use the packet, but only get the templates that apply to them.


Written By Scott Bressette (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 16th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice