Marking Yourself Available or Away(Full Days)


Set yourself as available or away in Neo.


The Green Dot 📷


The green dot 🟢 located in the upper right-hand corner of Neo indicates that you are available.  Click the green dot 🟢 to adjust this setting.  



How Long Will You Be Away? 📷

Select the date you would like to appear unavailable or “away” until.


Set Away 📷


Once your date is selected, click Set Away.



This will set you away for a full day(s) at a time.


Click here to learn how to mark yourself away for a portion of the day.




The Yellow Dot 📷


While you are set to unavailable or “away”, the green dot 🟢 will change to a yellow dot🟡.



Adjust It 📷


Click the yellow dot 🟡to adjust the date of your away status or to End Away and mark yourself available 🟢. 


Click here to see the places in Neo that will reflect your unavailable status.


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 6th, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice