✨12/27/2023 Neo Release ✨


Improved Staff Away functionality

You can communicate to other staff whether or not you are available. This feature has been improved and upgraded to include more specific information.

Click here to learn how to set yourself as away in Neo and click here to see the different places your away status will appear.


Client Portal Linked Accounts




The username will now appear as a hyperlink if an email is linked to multiple clients.


You'll then see a list of the other clients linked to that email address.  They're listed as hyperlinks - clicking the links will bring you to the Inquiry screen of the client account.


Staffing Alert

There is now a Staffing alert in Program Alerts.  This alert is specific to the Clubhouse program only.



View Batch Errors Report

There is now an option to view batch errors within the Billing Batch screen in the Actions menu.


Dominion Lab Orders

All lab tests are now listed in alphabetical order.

Additionally, for Dominion Laboratory, since Amphetamines D/L Ratio GC/MS cannot be ordered without Amphetamines Profile LC-MS/MS, Amphetamines D/L Ratio GC/MS now appears as a sub-order.  This makes it so that you cannot order Amphetamines D/L Ratio GC/MS without Amphetamines Profile LC-MS/MS.



*If you check the box for Amphetamines D/L Ratio GC/MS, the box for Amphetamines Profile LC-MS/MS will automatically check as well.  

If you uncheck Amphetamines D/L Ratio GC/MS,  Amphetamines Profile LC-MS/MS will stay checked, but if you uncheck Amphetamines Profile LC-MS/MS, both will uncheck.

This is intentional and designed to work this way 😊


SMI Requirement On Inquiry Page

If any program that a client is open to requires an SMI upon discharge, you will now see it listed on the client Inquiry screen.


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at December 21st, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice