✨ 11/20/2023 Neo Updates ✨

Current SPRINT Timeline

10/23 - 11/10


11/13 - 11/17






Current Items

SPARS Batch Upload  Currently we have an “assisted” manual process to upload NOMs data into the SPARS system.  The gov’t did release an archaic batch uploading system that we’ll be able to use to automate this process completely.  We’ve been working on it in bunches as time permits over the last few months.  Currently, we have achieved a high level of success in data accuracy for baselines. The next phase will involve testing reassessments.
Risk Screening  The new risk screening tool has been completed and is available for testing on the BETA line.  It is NOT scheduled for release as part of this sprint.  More details to come from clinical leadership.
Appraisal Addendums  This has been introduced on the BETA line and will be released with the next update.
Document Management  This replaces Correspondence Templates in Neo and brings new functionality to the electronic form system. This includes new options for creating forms, keeping a history of form changes, and organizing them into packets.

Document Delivery  This replaces the client chart Correspondence screen. It brings together all documents that a client could receive including, but not limited to; Treatment Plan Client Signatures, ROIs, Informed Consent, and all forms in Correspondence. 

Document Delivery

New Form Types  Neo can now handle staff-created PDF forms, signable Correspondence, and documents that are for “information only” but we would like receipt the client received them. Documents can be annotated in the Staff App using the pencil tool and dynamic field entry for complex form situations. 
MC Past Medications History  Adapted an existing tool for MC to track the history of past meds for clients that weren’t prescribed by KBH.
Indeed Integration  The goal of this project is more automated integration with Indeed for getting applicant forms from Indeed into Neo more efficiently.  This project is currently on hold due to some newly identified barriers that are currently under review in conjunction with the planned migration to a new HR IT system.

Support Backlog  Over the last few months we’ve identified numerous changes that are needed in Neo to keep it up to date with the times.  This list is still large, but we have been able to clean a few items off that list in recent weeks.

  • Some of these changes are related to bugs that have been reported to us where a fix to the system will alleviate the need for IT involvement to manually fix certain issues. 
  • Some are related to changes in the Atrezzo system where Neo is starting to fall behind which creates challenges in keeping the systems in synch. 
  • Other changes are related to improvements related to Fax Manager that IT has requested.

Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 17th, 2023

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