Send A Link To The Client Portal 🎇



Learn about the different ways that you can send a link to the Client Portal to clients, via text message and/or email!  This process begins by using the Send Link button, found in Client Portal Status screen.




Email Only

This is defaulted to be the selected option upon clicking Send Link - it is the most simple, straightforward option.  Clicking Okay on the bottom right, will send a link to the intended email address. Click here to see an example email.


Upon clicking Okay, an Alert will appear, confirming an email has been sent.

Text Only

Selecting the Text the client a link to portal with a personalized message option will send a text message. The text will include a link to the Client Portal as well as whatever other text you enter into the text field.

If the phone number that populates is not the phone number you want to send the text message to, you can edit the phone number on this screen before clicking Send.

Click here to see an example text message


Upon clicking Send, an Alert will appear, confirming a text message has been sent.

Both Text & Email

Choosing the Both, send an email and text the client option will simultaneously send an email and text message.

Both the email and text message will include a link to the Client Portal as well as whatever other text you enter into the text field.

Upon clicking Send, an Alert will appear, confirming that the text message has been sent.

Upon clicking Okay, an Alert will appear, confirming that the email has been sent.

Client Communications Log


Using either of the two options that initiate a text message to the client, will automatically generate a log entry under History of Client Communications in the Client Communications area of Neo.


Text Message 📷

Here's what a text looks like:


Here's what the email looks like:


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 10th, 2025

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