MCN Grid Overview



Client Search using client ID or client name
🔘MCN             🔘Simple MCN You'll have the option to choose which type of MCN you're going to create if the Simple MCN applies to your program/position
Add To create new MCN
Show All shows all MCNs
Show Mine filters list to show only MCN that you are associated with
Include Completed/Exclude Completed To include or exclude completed MCNs (done in the last year)
Select Opens the MCN this can also be done by double-clicking in the intended row
PDF Opens the MCN in PDF form
Claim Flags note as Awaiting Doc and sign the nurse section
Remove Nurse

Removes nurse associated with the MCN

Date Date the MCN was created
Location Location selected in the MCN(default to location that the staff member is, based on IP address)
Client ID Client Identification
Client Name Client's legal name
Urgent Yes/No if Is Urgent box is checked or unchecked in Administrative section of MCN
Time Sensitive Yes/No if Is Time Sensitive box is checked or unchecked in Administrative section of MCN
Suboxone Yes/No if client's most current yellow card lists a medication in the Suboxone drug category
Treating Provider Treating provider
Covering Provider Covering provider(if applicable)
BHH Yes/No if client is assigned to BHH program
Simple Yes/No for Simple MCN or not

If MCN meets the criteria for deletion to be allowable, you will see a Delete  button

Contact program administrator to delete if button does not show up and is not yet signed

Yellow Highlight Secretary has modified note
Pink Highlight Doc has sent note back to nurse
Aqua Highlight No current MC provider



Prior Dates will all be red.

Yes in the  Urgent, Time Sensitive or Suboxone columns will all appear in red




Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at April 2nd, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice