MaineCare Authorizations with KePro

Table of Contents

If you have any questions regarding what to do please contact your supervisor.


Help Hints

  1. Adding new cases
    • Click Create New Request at the top of the page.
  2. Extend an expiring case
    • Click Extend in the top left corner of the case of interest.
  3. Request more units for an existing case
    • Click Add Units in the top left corner of the case of interest.
  4. Send a message to KePro
    • Click Messages on the left-hand side of the case of interest.
  5. Discharge
    • Click Discharge to the right of the procedure.
    • WARNING:  This will discharge ALL of the procedures within the case.
  6. Re-Open
    • Click Reopen if the case has failed to upload.  You'll have the opportunity to fix it and re-submit it based on the errors found during the upload process.

Color Key

Yellow Highlighted Rows The procedure is a contact for service notification
Red Text The case has been discharged
Green Text The case has been CSR'd
Green Check The case is valid and we've received an auth.
Yellow Triangle The case is not valid yet.


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 17th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice