KePro Authorization Content

Table of Contents

Areas to Complete

  1. Service Detail
    • Service Type - choose the section number your services fall under
    • Request Type
  2. Procedures
    • Be sure to include all appropriate procedure codes along with the time frame, units, and frequency.
  3. Diagnoses
    • After you've filled out service details and procedures click save/refresh in the top left-hand corner.  This will load the diagnosis information with the appropriate primary selection.
  4. Clinical Info
    • This section is only for special circumstances.  This would be a request for KePro to alter the dates for you and/or any additional information that was not collected via the questionnaires or document upload.
    • ATTENTION:  if you see [ENTER REASON WHY] here, please provide details regarding the date change request.
  5. Attached Documents
    • Click Add Documents From Chart if you want to include those documents as part of the case.
    • If the system believes a treatment plan is needed that entry will be there automatically, but you'll still have to click Generate to actually build the slim version of the treatment plan specific to your case.
  6. Questionnaires
    • Based on all the answers above the system will request the necessary questionnaires be completed.
    • Answer all pertinent questions.  You can skip them if they are not necessary.
    • Contact your supervisor or KePro if you are unsure of what they want for information on a specific question.
  • You can click Save at any time to save your work and come back to complete it later.
  • Click "Submit to KEPRO" when you are finished and it will be sent to KePro for you.


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 17th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice