Learn how to schedule a Group Appointment in Neo.
In the following example, an IOP group session is scheduled. |
Click the Schedule menu option at the top of your screen.

From your schedule, right-click on the date/time when you want to schedule the group and then choose New Group Appt.

Choosing New Group Appt will open up this screen:
Ensure the dates/times are correct and choose the options for the four(4) drop-down lists as pictured above.
The Description box is not required.
Please note: At this time, there are no established groups so the only option will be Adhoc. |
There is the ability to Pre-build a Group at which point you can choose that pre-built group from any future Group Appt. This saves time, not having to add individual clients for each Group session. When you click Save you’ll be taken back to your schedule where you’ll see the newly created Group. |
Click on the Edit Status hyperlink as pictured below: |
When you do this, you will be presented with the screen shown below.
Click on the Add Client option. |

A Client Search screen will appear. Choose the Intensive Outpatient program from the My Programs drop-down list and click Search.

This will take you to a list of clients available for the group. Select the clients you wish to have in the group by checking the box in the far left column and then click Add Selected Clients.

Once you click Add Selected Clients, the system (NEO) will do some pre-validations and report back any problems noted.
In this test scenario, I got these warnings. I chose to override the validations by checking all the boxes in the far left column and clicking Override Selected Validations.

If you are only setting up the group and the scheduled date has not arrived yet, simply click the close(x) button.

If you are scheduling in real-time, the next screen you will see is shown below. Enter any clinical content into the Session Content text field - this will replicate across all members of the group.
Clicking Turn on Edit mode, will allow you to enter documentation for individual members of the group.

In Edit Mode, you can mark the appointment status of each client in the group. In the image below, three(3) clients that participated in this Group session are marked as Kept.

As you choose the status, if Kept was chosen, you’ll see a Document Status of Incomplete in the Appointment Status column to the far right. |
Clicking on the Incomplete hyperlink will take you to the progress note for that client for that session. |
Here is an example of a generic progress note: |

From this point, you will follow the same practice as any other scheduled activity. |