Client Account


📷 Billing Dashboard

This is the billing dashboard.  To access a client account, select an option listed under “Client Accounts” in the menu on the left.  The last five(5) clients that you accessed will be listed for easy access.

📷Client Search

Click “Select” under “Client Accounts” to search any client ID. 


📷Client Information

Client Name, DOB, chart status, Client ID, Unapplied Payments, Total Amount Due, Date Last Statement was generated, last


📷Client Payors

Under “Client Payors”, you will see all current active payors listed in the correct payor order.  To see all payors, including inactive payors, select “Show All” in the upper righthand corner.



This will default to any unbalanced dates of services(anything that isn't at a zero(0) balance). 

You also have the option to filter by date, program, services insurance owes money for, services patient owes money for or all services.


Selecting the arrow on the far left side of any date of service, will expand it to show charge details: Posted Date, Payor ID number, Transaction Type, Amount, Balance, Insurance Balance, Interest, Client Balance, Backed out(with reason if applicable), Insurance Pending, Waiting for Invoice and Created Date.



📷Action Keys(Alt Keys)




Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 17th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice