Managing Document Templates

Learn best practices and useful tips for creating and organizing document templates that save time and make workflow more efficient.

Key Concept

Document Templates are a special type of document that uses placeholders in special locations in the document that are substituted with actual data when the document template is applied. Templates also define how the document can be used and who can use them.


Before continuing, please be familiar with Document Delivery and How to Create a Document Template. They give context to why managing templates is required. 

After adding a document, or selecting it from the Documents list, the screen will present the template and the following Categorization header.

Deciding on a Title

The title for a document allows staff to know what they are picking without having to view the template itself. There are two methods that work together to help achieve this goal.

  • Existing Title
    • This is the list of document titles/descriptions Med Records uses for scanned-in documents. If the document has been scanned in before, there is an existing title for it. Keeping the title consistent between the scanned copies and the electronic copies means staff can learn the name and know what it means.
    • Leave this field blank if the document changes or is very generic. For instance, a document called “Blank Letter to Client” probably isn't very useful to Med Records for future classification.
  • Ad Hoc Title
    • Some documents need additional attributes to really understand the difference between existing documents with the same title. 
    • Other documents may be so generic, the only title will be the Ad Hoc Title.
  • Both
    • When an existing title is used with an Ad Hoc title, they are combined as [Existing Title] - [Ad Hoc Title].
    • Using both helps when there are “flavors” of the same document.

Tips and Tricks

  • Neo may prompt you that you are entering a duplicate name. If you haven't looked at the other templates with the same title, you should stop and see if this is a duplicate. All that may be required is for additional programs or locations to be added to the other templates to make them work. If you know that you are adding a distinct document template for different programs and locations, then it is safe to continue.
  • If a title has a location or program name in it, it is not configured and titled correctly. They should be edited to remove the program and location from the title and applied to the Programs and Locations boxes.

Programs and Locations


The selection of programs and locations assists staff in knowing the difference between multiple documents with the same Title. For instance, if we used the existing title of “DNS Letter”, but we know this particular template is specifically used by Access Center, we can select just the AC program. If later it is determined that Telecounseling should use the same document, we don't have to make another template for Telecounseling, we can just add them to the list of allowed programs. The same is true for locations.

If there are other “DNS Letter” templates, we can continue to apply programs and locations to them so they only appear to staff that match one of the programs and locations. The goal is to make sure staff only ever see one “DNS Letter” if possible. 

If no selection is made for programs and locations, it defaults to meaning ALL programs and locations can use this template. 

A staff person said they didn't see the template in the Document Delivery system but it is set to the correct programs and locations. What is wrong?

Most likely the staff is not in the programs selected or is not assigned to that location. Their manager may need to complete a Status Change Form to assign them to the correct programs and locations.

There are multiple documents with the same name in the Document Delivery system.

This means the templates have overlapping programs and locations. Someone will need to reconcile which template really belongs to which program and location and remove the overlap. It may be an indication that one of the documents is actually a duplicate and only one of them should remain.

Other Configuration

Electronic Use

  • Printed - Not Electronic
    • This is the default option and the most common use of a document template.
  • Client Signature Requested
    • This option tells Neo that this document is expected to be electronically signed. Selecting this option allows the document to appear in the Client Portal and the Staff App (except for annotated forms, which are Staff App Only).
  •  Informational Purposes Only
    • When the electronic use is for information only, the document appears on the Client Portal and the Staff App, but does not require the client to sign it. This is for workflows where acknowledgment of receipt is sufficient, which makes the process easier for the client. 

Use Letterhead checkbox defaults the checkbox on the Document Delivery for Letterhead. It is overridable by the staff and they can pick any available letterhead to use.

Allow Pencil/Annotation Tools is a special feature for the Staff App that allows the document to be written on like it is paper. You can find more information about it here.


Written By Scott Bressette (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 18th, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice