✨07/01/2024 Neo Release✨

Care Team


The new Care Team screen has been developed to encompass various aspects of Neo in one convenient space - curated to encourage a more streamlined approach to accessing and utilizing all teams and resources involved in client care.








You'll find this under the Information section of the Client Menu, be sure to pin it to your Favorites for quick access 😊










Delve into the details here



Client Communications


This exciting new feature is a game changer, providing all programs with an additional method of communication with current and incoming clients. 

You now have the option to relay a message, or to send a multiple-choice question for clients to respond to.  The history of text communications will also be logged here, compiled with other contact logs.



Send Message(no client response)

Send Multiple Choice Question



Click here for details on how this works! 



HTML Editor


Editing tools in Neo secure email and in all the text fields of Med Notes.


Now:  Clicking inside any text field will now reveal a toolbar that provides you with different text formatting options, list formatting options, and the ability to insert tables.




When scanning documents into client charts, options for what you're attaching the document to have been updated to reflect the new Care Team design.




Choosing an option under Care Team will attach it to that Care Team in the new Care Team screen under Documents.




Change to ROI Organization Selection


You'll now see an extra field just above the fields for Organization information.  

Essentially, this was done to help differentiate the organizations that are under the same name but have more than one location.



Check out this example 👀

The organization is Blue Willow Counseling, but they have a location in Augusta and one in Lewiston.  You will see an option for each, which will populate the appropriate information, but you won't see the location distinction in the name on the actual document.




Population Health


When you're adding a visit through Population Health you'll see that this screen has an updated look but still includes all the same information.





New Alerts

There are two(2) new removable alerts.


Smoking 5As Follow-up:  Staff will be alerted if they've chosen a follow-up update on the Smoking 5A screening. 



Upcoming Care Contact:  Staff will be alerted when there's a care team visit that has a next contact date within the last seven(7) days and seven(7) days into the future.


Fix for Staff Appraisal: Correction for showing 30/60/90 day extensions in alerts.



Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 27th, 2024

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