Client PCP

If a PCP has been designated in Neo, its contents will be visible upon loading the Care Team screen.  This is in contrast to the other Client Resources and External Teams that show only the name and role, due to the expectation of high usage of the Client PCP information.


Only one(1) PCP can exist at a time.  Creating a new one will automatically set an end date to the current one for one day before the new PCP starts.


Adding a new client PCP will also automatically generate an ROI as long as the PCP was selected from the pre-existing list and not manually created.








Hovering over Contact will show you details of the last contact to this Care Team.



Clicking on Contact will show you a history of the contacts with this particular Care Team.



New Contact Log


Contact Log - Release

Use this option to log all contact in pursuit of a release of information.


Contact Log - Referral

Use the Referral option when you initiate contact for a referral.  Once this has been created, it also creates an alert that allows you to track the referral.


Contact Log - Visit

Use the Visit option to log information about a visit the client had with this particular Care Team.



Contact Log - Other

Use this option to log contact with this Care Team that doesn't fall under the previous categories.




Click the History button to view the history of any previously logged client PCPs.






You can view any documents that have been designated/attached to this particular Care Team.


Edit PCP


Here you can edit all Care Team information except contact information.

Please note:  if contact information needs to be added or revised in any way, you must contact Medical Records to make the change.




Add Participant


This button is optional and used to add more detailed information to any Care Team.  There are lots of instances where a Care Team ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠will be an organization, and this gives you the option to list a specific person for contact purposes and any other details you might have.



Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 1st, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice