Log Information Sent

The purpose of this procedure is to enable clinical staff a place to document any client information they may send out, which is not tracked through the Med Record processes.



  • Log Information Sent:  is a Request Type option that can be selected when a new Med Record Request is added. Medical records will not be alerted of your entry and will not act on Log Information Sent documentation added by another user. It is within the Med Record Request utility so that all similar documentation can all be found in the same place.


  • Log Information Sent:  should be used anytime you are sending information on your own without submitting a request to Medical Records. In most cases this would be for the purpose of continuity of care or in an emergency or crisis situation. 


  • When Request Type: Log Information Sent is selected the format of the request window will change and the prompts will be different than a typical Med Record Request.



  • Location:  will default to your location or you may choose a different location if appropriate.


  • Date Info Sent:  will default to the current date, but if you are documenting after the fact please use the date that information was actually sent.


  • Recipient:  Name the organization that information was sent to or the name of an individual if they are not affiliated with an organization. You may select an organization from the drop down which is the same ROI contact list used when creating a new release. If the Recipient is not in the list you are able to type a custom recipient.


  • Who was the info sent to and how was it sent?  Document the name of the contact if known, how the info was sent (mail, fax, secure email, upload, in person) as well as the contact info used (address, fax number, email address, URL) You may document other pertinent details here, such as the purpose Information was sent or the reason a disclosure was made without a release.


  • Information Sent:  Document the specific names and dates or date range of the documents sent. The documentation should be clear enough that any staff or auditors could recreate what was sent.



Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 25th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice