Release of Information

Keeping an active Release of Information for all Care Teams is crucial to effective communication and overall coordination of care.


In regards to ROIs, the Care Team screen allows you to:

  • Determine whether or not there's an active release on file.
  • Quickly view an active release to review the details.
  • Link an existing release to a Care Team(when appropriate).
  • Go to the ROI screen
  • Generate a new release.


This indicates that there is either no release on file or there is just not a release linked to this Care Team.


From there, you can click the arrow and generate a release.

*Note:  an inactive release is automatically generated upon creating a Client PCP Care Team.


When you generate a release from Care Team all contact information will automatically populate as long as the organization came from the existing list in Neo, versus having manually entered an organization.


Clicking on No Release will give you the option to either go check out the existing list of ROIs on file, or link an ROI if one exists for this Care Team but hasn't been attached to it yet.


Clicking Link to existing ROI will keep you on the Care Team screen but pop up a list of existing active releases for you to choose from.


Go to ROI List will take you from the Care Team screen to the ROI screen.



Clicking on either of the below ROI: Active buttons will open up a new window with a copy of the release for you to review.


The exclamation point near the active status on an ROI indicates an active release on file but the client has selected No on one of the questions on the release. Hovering over that button with your cursor will give you a preview of those questions, but clicking the button will pull up a copy of the actual release.


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 1st, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice