Introduction to the Scheduling Application - Quick Answers

Quick Answers


Question: How do I add a new appointment to the schedule?
Answer: Find an open spot in the schedule for the resource you wish to schedule under. Then right-click the mouse over that spot (see Right-Click Menu) and select "New Client Appointment". Complete the appointment entry screen and save.


Question: How do I click on a document status link if the appointment size is too small?
Answer: Right-click over the time ruler on the side of the schedule (see Right-Click Menu) and change the time increment to 5 Minutes. This will temporarily change the schedule and that will increase the size of each appointment block.


Question: How do I set up the default schedule settings?
Answer: In the lower left-hand side of the schedule, there is a link called "Options". Once clicked, the schedule options for your profile will appear.


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at December 5th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice