Auto-Saving Notes

Table of Contents

Key Concept


Neo will automatically save your note as you're creating it.


If available and the auto-save box is checked off,  your note will auto-save:


  • After ten(10) seconds of no activity.
  • When you enter a new section of the note.
  • When your note loses focus on the screen or when the note screen is minimized.



The auto-save option is located at the top left-hand corner of the note.



The auto-save option is automatically available on:

  • Child Psych Evaluations
  • Adult Psych Evaluations
  • Assessments (INT and ANNUAL) 




The option to add the auto-save feature is available to add to other note types.  If you find that this feature could potentially be consistently beneficial to a note type that is not listed above, inquire with your supervisor about having this feature added.



If you have Neo permissions to update this setting, click here to learn how.



Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at April 1st, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice