There are four types of SPMs available for use on a client.  You'll find a description of each option below.  Please carefully note the differences in each option as it is a common error for staff to select a Provider Termination when their intention is a Program Termination and vice versa.



Request a change in services for the client without actually modifying the current services.


Request a change from one program/staff for the client to a different program/staff.  This means you are transferring the client within the same program to a different staff or from one program to another.  If the transfer is between programs then it will break it out into a referral and a termination so each part can be handled separately.

Program Termination

Request that a client be closed completely from a particular program.  This means it will close the client to that program and ALL staff that are open to that client in that program will also be closed.

Provider Termination

Request that a client be removed from a staff's caseload but continue to receive services in that program.


Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 27th, 2023

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice