Client Communications

Texting is NOT secure messaging.  DO NOT include any PHI in any texting correspondence.







You'll find the Client Communications tool located at the top of the Client Menu















Send A Text Message



Clicking Send Message will open up the window to create a message with the option to select the type of message you'd like to send.

  1. Message 
  2. Multiple Choice Question






A message will send a text message to a client with no response from client.  A good example of this would be a reminder to complete paperwork or bring in completed paperwork to your next appointment.





🛈 Learn how Messages work 



Multiple Choice Question




The multiple-choice question option is used to create a message for the client with the expectation that there will be a response from the client.  This is where you'll enter your question as well as the response options for the client.



🛈 Learn how Multiple-Choice Questions work 


Add Client Contact Log


Once a message is sent to the client, a log of this is automatically created but you can manually add to this log as well.



The Staff Involved will automatically populate with the user's name, but there is also a drop-down menu to select other staff if you are entering the log on behalf of someone else.



  • Successful Contact if you were able to contact the client
  • Left a message, if you didn't reach the client directly but were able to leave a voicemail
  • Contact Attempt Failed if you didn't reach the client directly and were unable to leave a voicemail.


Date Contacted will automatically populate with the current date and the time, rounded to the nearest five(5) minutes.


Next Contact Date is optional but allows you to create a follow-up alert, should there be any reason for follow-up on this particular contact.  


Next Contact Date

If you enter a Next Contact Date, you'll find the alert for the follow-up at the top of the Care Team screen.


The alert is blue when the follow-up is set and up until that set time has been reached.


The alert will change to red once the set follow-up deadline has been reached. 



Written By Amanda Griffin (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 26th, 2024

Knowledge Base Software by Helpjuice