Once a member of KBH staff has entered the client or participant's email address in the appropriate field in Neo, the Client Portal sign-up process is entirely in the client's hands.
Who has Client Portal Access?
Where is client's email address entered in Neo?In the Demographics screen, enter the client's email address in the Email Address field in the Additional Information section. |
Where are Participant email addresses entered in Neo?For Portal access, participants must be designated as Legal or Primary Caregiver in the Caregiver Information section. From the Caregiver screen, Primary and/or Legal must be checked off, and a valid email address must be entered in the Email field and Save. Â |
Understanding Client Portal Status Screen
Where To Find Client Portal Status Button
From Client Inquiry Screen |
From Client Demographics Screen |
Client Portal Status Key
Client Portal Status Screen Example:
Sends link to Client Portal login screen to associated email. | |
These check boxes indicate whether or not each email address currently has access to the Client Portal. |
You will see this kind of text under the Link/Access column if the person listed does not have access to the Client Portal and is not set up in Neo to be able to have access - these will indicate the reason why. Examples:Â Not Legal/Primary - Participants must be listed as Legal and/or Primary Caregiver to be eligible for access. No Email - there is no email listed for this participant. |
Link to help documentation for Client Portal Status. | ||
Save changes. | ||
   View a list of all accounts associated with that email address.    This also indicates whether this email address has access to that client's Portal, the name and client ID, their relationship to client/client's care and the date and time of the last activity.
View documents that have been sent to the Client Portal - Pending and Completed. |
  When giving or taking away access, you'll be prompted to enter a reason for that action.       Any instances of changes to portal access will be listed below each participant.  If the change is done by staff, it will indicate by staff username, date and time of the instance, and the reason for the change.  Similarly, if the change was made from the Client Portal side, that will be indicated by email address and date & time of the instance. |